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Empowering Women
in Tech initiative by
Nebiant Analytics

Join our movement to close the gender gap in tech. Gain skills, build confidence, and launch a fulfilling career in Data Analytics, Business Analysis, and Data Science.

Hotline: (+234) 704 781 7037

Our women are empowered to work in top organizations across the world

Tech's not for ladies, they said! Prove. Them. Wrong.

Key statistics


Average Tech Talent Salary


Get hired

4 Months

Average Time to First Tech Role

It's your turn to dominate the digital space

Our mission


We believe in a future where African women are leading in tech. EWT equips women with the skills, confidence, and networks they need to thrive in Data Analytics, Business Analysis, and Data Science

Transformation journey

We are commited to your transformation

The digital revolution isn't waiting. Neither should you.

Women trained in January
Fully sponsored trainings
Women trained monthly
Women impacted by year end

Data Analytics

Gain the tools and skills needed to drive decision-making for organizations

Explore Landing

Business Analysis

Stay ahead by learning the latest tools while your competition still uses Excel.

Explore Landing

Data science

Learn how to manipulate and utilize data for decision making

Explore Landing

Intensive training

3 months of Intensive training and 1 month practical internship

Explore Landing

Mode of trainings

Introduction to Tools, hands-on projects and group work, career readiness and confidence-building workshops.

Explore Landing

Key components

We always focus on technical excellence & strategic partnership, while remaining the platform-agnostic.

Explore Landing
Digital Experience

Some recent works we really proud of

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Not to brag, but people love us

Digital Experience

Trusted by top global companies And orginizations

From bold start-ups to big names, Nebiant is proud to let you know that our graduates can work with any organization worldwide. Our trainings are of international standards.

Ready to get started?

Apply to get into the next cohort

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